Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ammon is official!

Ammon and Steven, so proud of my men! (Tear ;) )

Ammon's baptism .... there was a slight change of plans and the ward waited until there were more than one child to be baptized. So, Ammon was baptized on December 7th with 2 of his friends from his primary class. It was a great event and we all enjoyed it. We are so proud of our little man. He loves his suit, he says it makes him look like a missionary. That is the point buddy, keep thinking that way! Anyhow, we have 2 kiddos baptized now! Amazing how time flies.
So, this isn't the greatest picture of our little family, Kieli had pink eye and we were just waiting to get this picture done before I wisked her off to the ER, and Becca had litterally taken a nose dive while playing with her siblings that morning. Oh well, we are all there and breathing, right?


The Fillmore Floggers said...

That is so wonderful. Congratulation's Ammon! At first I thought Kieli wasn't very happy to be there until I read that she had pink eye, poor thing. You all look beautiful, I can't believe Ammon and Ashley are baptized that is so wild. Alec is next! You should have gotten another invite to the blog. Love you.

Unknown said...

Yay for Ammon!!! How exciting. Hope you are all well. Maybe we'll get to see you once in awhile now that we'll be on the same coast.

Also, posting like once every two months does not constitute a comeback so bring on the updates. We want to know what's going on with you guys!

Randi said...

Aw! Congratulations Ammon! We've got one more year before our little man is baptized. :) I hope Kieli is feeling better.

Reagan took her first real nose-dive last night and got her first bloody nose. :P This kids. It's amazing that they survive childhood! LOL

Love you, sis!!! When you're back in the states, I'm so getting that long-distance calling plan when I can call whenever I want. I miss you so much! :)

matthew and suzie lamb said...

well congrats bro.aamon lamb. welcome to the church//////////////// thats a good looking family. i know who the pretty lady is and the kids, but who is that old man???????? dude steve your getting old. this year 34" can you beleive that. and Amy looks so much younger. did you rob the cradle???? love you guys.pop