Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

In my house we are forced to hide our Easter eggs inside the house...FUN! The hard part is finding them all when the kids are done looking for them. My hubby just asked me "how many eggs did we do again?" Uh-oh, I sure hope I counted right, no one wants to find that egg next week!

All in all, it was a good easter morning. I have high hopes for the rest of the day - yeah right! After I have cleaned up from breakfast should be about the time my kids enter their sugar rage from the jellybeans and chocolate bunnies. Ah, such a wonderful holiday.

We shall see how our family makes it through church with these hyped up kids. I think this is the phase in my life when we are just litterally "making it through" church anyway. I am so busy keeping hands busy and mouths quiet that I usually don't hear anything being said over the pulpit. But, that is not as important as the fact that we are there, right?

Spring break is in a week, YIKES! Hopefully I can fill it with activities, play dates and trips (to everywhere except the ER!). I will be happy with everyone making it through the week.

Well, Happy Easter to all, and may all your eggs be found.
